When discussing fitness and weight loss goals, most of us seem to have one area in particular that is more difficult to get into shape. Getting a chiseled abdomen may take more work than other parts of the body, but with the right combination of diet and exercise, a toned abdomen is easily attainable. Effective ab exercises can be performed with or without expensive equipment that may not necessarily get you the results you're expecting. When abdominal exercises are combined with an aerobic workout that targets the abdomen, faster and better results are usually seen. A varied exercise routine provides a good body workout, but more attention will have to be paid to the abdomen if you want a nice six-pack. Of course, if you need a jump start, there are some plastic surgery procedures like liposuction and tummy tucks that can get you going in the right direction fast!
The most effective ab exercises give great results when they are done properly and religiously. According to , the best ab exercise of all time is the bicycle. This traditional abdominal exercise is performed on a mat on the floor. Lay on your back with your hands behind your head and legs bent at a 45 degree angle. Start peddling and be sure to extend your legs above the floor before pulling them in toward your abdomen and switching. The second most effective ab exercise is performed on a captain's chair, which can be found in most gyms and fitness facilities. The third most effective ab exercise is done by doing crunches on an exercise ball, a challenging workout that gives great results. Other effective ab exercises for getting the abdomen into shape include the vertical leg crunch and the reverse crunch, as well as those using machines designed to specifically target the muscles of the abdomen.
There are lots of great resources available on the web loaded with information on the best and worst ab exercises and workouts. A large number of ab exercises sites are available that can show you how to lose belly fat and tighten those abs for the six-pack you want. You won't be able to wait for the opportunity to show off your rock hard abs, not to mention the rest of your fit toned booty. No more pooch getting in the way of wearing your favorite low cut jeans. So what are you waiting for$%: Get busy with those ab exercises now!