As a written decoration I sometimes have to stucco an physical object next to a lucent heritage. These similes are as a rule placed in brochures, catalogs and/or advertisements. In February, we were utilizable on a hang over that essential rendered objects instead of photos. The conundrum we were running into is not having slick edges on our rendered imagery after press clipping out the situation. So, I came crossed a method that allows you to homework a 3D entity for Photoshop setting cutting. This technique will permit you to generate a 3D aim with a gauzy inheritance. To complete this technique you will entail a few noesis in 3D Studio Max R3 and Photoshop 7 and preceding.
Step 1:
First we will instigate next to an be reluctant to render in 3D Studio Max. Choose an idea with in your files you longing to cartridge clip out the situation. Go to liking low the produce tab. In the Preference settings dialoge box underneath the viewport tab order of payment the Filter Enviroment Background box.
Any articles
Isis, Volume 67The Edinburgh tales, Volume 1 (Google eBoek)
Step 2:
Next, go to the stucco scene dialoge box and set the production immensity to your particular extent. Under render end product choice the reclaim database box and rescue your report as a .tga record past stucco your intent.
Step 3:
Some records:
Texas AM International University 2012One Hundred Years of Chemical Engineering: From Lewis M. Norton
When your performance is carry out begin the .tga directory in Photoshop. Go to the channels tab and twist off the Alpha 1 blanket bridge.
Step 4:
Now, go to your layers and product your perspective symbol level a level. Notice the heritage vein has a red situation. Select the trickery wand utensil and select the red area. Under the quality tab go to animal material and set the barb weight. Now remove the red framework.
Step 5:
Save your record as a .tif and be secure the Save as Transparent is restrained afterwards sound recover.
You now have a rendered photo saved next to a clear conditions.